Sunday, November 18, 2007

Saddam admits he faked having WMDs

In a new book, former FBI agent George Piro was able to get a lot of information out of Saddam Hussein before he was executed.

Among tidbits gleaned from an online article (click here), Saddam had the entire west fooled about WMDs in an effort that was originally mounted to dissuade Iran from attacking Iraq. Well, it worked for Iran, but not the West.

Other tidbits; he confessed to slaughtering 180,000 Kurds, he admitted to plotting to build a doomsday nuke, he was a hypocritical Muslim in his non-religious behavior, and he believed UN sanctions would be lifted.

All in all, the world is a better place without him.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

How does the United States ensure only US citizens cast votes in elections?

The simple answer is that we don't.

South Carolina is the only state that has stringent ID requirements which will ensure the person casting a vote is a US citizen. (Click here to see all state voting requirements)

Most states only require "voters" to present a utility bill showing the name and address on the bill is the same as what is on the voter list. I would submit that any illegal alien can get utilities in his/her name without proving they are US citizens.

Even if a voter cannot produce something as simple as a utility bill, most states only require that an "affidavit" is filled out by the voter that swears he is who he says he is. What a bunch of pure, unadulterated BS.

The bottom line -- people in this country illegally are voting on issues that have the ability to reshape our societal and economic landscape. They are voting for people who will have vast influence on our lives and the lives of our progeny. My fear is that those votes will unfairly and illegitimately move this country in a direction contrary to the intent of the Founders.

One of the reasons men and women of this country fought enemies and died for us was to make sure US citizens kept rights and freedoms, including the right to vote. It is shameful to think that those lives were given in vain if we can't ensure only citizens cast votes.

The Founders would be spinning in their graves if they knew non-citizens wielded such power.

We must take positive and proactive steps to ensure only US citizens cast votes in all elections...whether they are local, state, or federal.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Lying in Islam

For those of you who believe the likes of Iranian President Mahmoud Amadinijhad when he says that his country loves all peoples and doesn't want to destroy Israel, please read this item about how Muslims believe it is perfectly fine to lie if it furthers the goals of Islam. reviewer Scott Holleran's review of "Lions for Lambs"

“…the Bush administration's undeclared, unsuccessful so-called war on terror…”

Unsuccessful? We have not been attacked since 9/11. I'd call that a pretty good success.

“…President Bush's Iraq military presence…has cost thousands of American lives—with no gain for the nation.”

No gain for the nation?? Again, we have not been attacked since 9/11. Only a flaming liberal idiot would claim there has been no gain for the nation.

“The brash student is [a] spoon-fed automaton…”

Another typical liberal view -- that anyone who wants to defend their country, way of life, and for the future protection of our society is nothing but a spoon-fed automaton. They simply can't believe that someone could be so dumb."

“…strand of hope for a future influenced by new intellectuals…”

Yessss...only the "new intellectuals" have enough brains to protect our country, way of life, and society. We need more intellectuals like Rosie O'Donnell, Dennis Kucinich, Matt Damon, Barbara Streisand, Whoopi Goldberg, and Robert Redford. Surely, with all that brainpower, these fine folks will be able to intellectualize our way out of the fact that uneducated, wide-eyed, fanatical, 12th Century thinking, religous war zealots want nothing but to convert us (and all non-Muslims) to Islam or separate our heads from our bodies. I'm not feeling too confident about that.

“…She [Streep] is the embodiment of today's media stars: a willing exponent of a wrong war. “

Today's media is a willing exponent of a wrong war??? Which media have you been reading/viewing/listening to, Mr. Hollaren?

“…Lions for Lambs, which does not offer an alternative, shows that we are all either lions or lambs.”

If Redford is supposed to represent the "intellectual" who gives the "strand of hope" for the future of our country, why doesn't he "offer an alternative"? This is another typical liberal position -- moan, complain, stomp feet about the current state of affairs...but, not offer suggested and better paths.

They don't, because they know in their hearts that being a Lion is the only way to go when confronting evil personified. I guess they forget that Lambs are at the bottom of the food chain, eaten by predators and their bones picked clean. I don't know about you...but, I don't plan on being eaten.